The Nordic Programme for Interdisciplinary Research is a collaborative effort between the Academy of Finland, the Independent Research Fund Denmark, the Swedish Research Council, the Research Council of Norway and NordForsk.
Interdisciplinarity is widely acknowledged as essential to the generation of new and ground-breaking research results, and there is an increasingly urgent global demand for scientific research that dares to think across traditional boundaries between fields and disciplines and strives to create fertile ground for new approaches and insights. The integration of methods, data, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from different scientific fields is crucial in the effort to expand the scope of collective human knowledge.
To address these challenges, the Nordic Programme for Interdisciplinary Research is issuing a call for proposals for interdisciplinary research projects.
The aim of the Programme for Interdisciplinary Research is to promote high-quality bottom-up research that combines and integrate skills from multiple disciplines.
Call for projects addressing at least two of the following three areas of science: Life science; Physical Sciences & Engineering; Social Sciences and Humanities. Deadline November 13, 2019.
Approximately NOK 119 million is available under this call. The plans are to fund 8-12 research projects.